We Specialize In
Quality service and innovation in the planning, management and implementation of marine and freshwater environmental projects.
At LTE, innovation means a creative approach to addressing environmental aspects of a project that accommodates not only compliance, but ethics, integrity and economic efficiency.
About Us
Lake Trail Environmental Inc (LTE) provides environmental consulting services across British Columbia. We are based out of Squamish, BC in the traditional and unceded territory of the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation).
Owner and Senior Biologist, Lora Tryon, MSc, is a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) with over 20 years of experience in environmental consulting. Lora provides oversight to all projects and ensures a high level of quality in project delivery. Lora is also an instructor of Environmental Field Skills and the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation at Vancouver Island University.

Our Services Include:
Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Assessments
The Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) applies to many developments along the coastal and interior regions of British Columbia. Call to find out if this applies to your development, the RAPR process, timelines, and a quote. Also, see our Resources pages to learn more about the RAPR.
Fish Habitat Assessment and Monitoring
We provide services in stream assessment, wetland assessment and marine ecosystem assessments. This includes forest stream classification, fish presence/absence, hydrology assessments, habitat restoration and more.
Marine Foreshore Assessments
We provide services related to marine assessment, monitoring and development projects, including Environmental Management Planning for coastal restoration and protection, impact assessment, marine inventory, benthic surveys, eelgrass surveys. For an example of projects related to Marine Foreshore Assessments, see our Projects page.
Environmental Monitoring for Construction Projects
The construction phase of a development project often requires an environmental monitor to ensure compliance to acts and regulations meant to protect fish and fish habitat, species at risk, and sensitive ecosystems. We have worked extensively in freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments on site to ensure project specific standards are met. We also provide environmental management planning services (EMP), construction environmental management plans (CEMP), and Environmental Protection Plans (EPP).
Project Permitting
Many projects require permitting at various levels of government, including local, provincial, federal and First Nations territorial governments. We provide services to navigate environmental permitting processes to ensure project compliance with applicable acts, regulations, policies, and corporate specific protocols.
Bio-inventories may be required for project permitting, habitat restoration, impact assessment, and trend monitoring. We can provide bio-inventory services that target marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems.
Environmental Field Skills Training
Environmental skills training is provided privately for individuals and private environmental firms by LTE staff on an as-needed basis, with opportunities to tailor skills training for a particular job activity or to provide general skills. We also provide training through the Vancouver Island University Natural Resources Environmental Program (NREP).
Our Vision
To maintain a strong reputation for quality environmental services with a high standard of care for customer service and environmental protection.
Past Projects
Offering a diversity of services – from private property Riparian Area Protection Regulation assessments to comprehensive development projects that require a phased planning approach and environmental assessment and construction monitoring.
We also have extensive experience in conservation projects, including fish habitat research and estuarine restoration.